Monday, June 30, 2008

It's About Thyme

**Ring** "Hello?" "Hi ChefD', I have a cooking question for you"

If I had a dollar for every time the above phone, email or IM conversation started like that, I would be richer than Emeril.

They're always telling me I should start a blog. Considering food is almost always on my mind, awake or in slumber, it seemed like the right outlet for my ramblings.

If you choose to sit at my table, you'll be treated to a multi-course meal of dreams, thoughts, rants and ideas; all on my favorite topic. FOOD!


Anonymous said...

It's about time!!! Now if you would just agree to be my personal chef ...


Wicked Stepmom said...


I could use some pre-cooked HEALTHY meals. ;)

Super Woman said...

Congrats on your new food blog, Kek!! Here's to many great years, with you inadvertantly teaching me how to cook online. ;)
