Sunday, October 5, 2008

Expiration Date on Candy

Anyone who has spent any time with me knows I'm somewhat of a stickler about food safety. This includes how long eggs belong in a fridge, if a sandwich with mayo can be eaten at lunch if it was packed at 7am and if that mystery meat in your freezer for the last 6 months is still good.

One gray area is candy. How long can commercial made candy stick around before it's considered bad. There are so many preservatives in there that you have to wonder if it ever really goes bad.

Well, today, a bag of candy was discovered from a party over 3 years ago. A little experiment showed that the Dark, White and Milk Chocolate Kit-Kat bars were fine (did you know they made white and dark chocolate Kit-Kat bars??) as were the Sweet-Tarts. The only thing that appeared not to have survived were the Tootsie Rolls. As our test subject unwrapped the roll, it began crumbling in her fingers. Taking a tentative bite, she quickly spit it out, mumbling something about a "corn-syrup glob."

So the next time your kids want to eat all of their Halloween candy right away, you might want to consider letting them.

1 comment:

JG Wakefield said...

I dunno... my sister Krista ate all of her Halloween candy and she threw it all up on the car ride home. I suppose it's choosing between getting sick now or later. Ha!