Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Coffee Plight

It's one of those mornings when I really need that first cup of coffee. It’s cool out, which makes me want to pull the covers up further and hit snooze a few more times. But, I trudge into the hustle and bustle of NYC, being used as a human pinball several times before arriving at the corner deli. As I do every morning, I give my order, “Coffee, milk only please. “

I walk the rest of the way to the office with my coffee safely tucked into a paper bag (ugh! Didn’t stop them in time – but alas, another rant for another day). The elevator’s taking a very long time today… do I sneak a sip now? Oh! The elevator’s here. Ok, here we go… stop at floor 2 (couldn’t they walk up??)… 6…(the smell of my coffee inabag is intoxicating)…9…finally we get to the 20th floor. I think I’m going to pass out unless I get caffeine NOW!

Boot up the computer, sit down, open the coffee, Hoorah! Big gulp, “ahh.. gack! Cack! Blech!” There’s sugar in here! Enough sugar to send a child into a coma! What part of “Coffee, Milk ONLY” got lost in translation??

*sigh * I do not judge those who enjoy a sugar bomb in their coffee, but this is not a good way to start my day.


Anonymous said...

Although I love sweet coffee I can totally appreciate the need to have your coffee taste right!!!!

Unknown said...

The other morning I felt as if I was on an airplane in first class waking from a slumber on a transatlantic flight to the aroma of fresh brewed coffee. Dazed and confused to find myself on the subway...a seat or two from a French Roast.